Experiencing Bed Bugs?
At Tenants Law Firm, we advocate for California renters who have experienced the consequences of bed bug infestations in their rental properties. If you find yourself facing a bed bug infestation that your landlord has failed to address, we are here to protect your rights and seek appropriate remedies.
What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are small, flat wingless insects that are reddish-brown in color and approximately one-quarter inch long. They hide during the day on beds (mattress seams, box springs, bed frames, headboards) and in cracks and crevices of walls, floors and furniture. They come out at night. They do not fly or jump, but they can crawl rapidly.
Tenants Law Firm is a non-profit legal team that represents renters battling a bed bug infestation. We hope that your landlord upholds their obligation to provide a bed-bug free rental space. But when your landlord fails in their obligations, you have the legal right to fair compensation. That’s where we come in.
Frequently Asked Questions
Bedbugs may appear as mere nuisances, but they do pose serious health risks to individuals residing in infested rental spaces. Bedbug bites can cause discomfort, sleep disruptions, itching, redness, and swelling. Scratching the bites increases the risk of secondary skin infections. Furthermore, bedbug infestations can have a significant psychological impact, causing anxiety, insomnia, and emotional distress due to the constant fear of being bitten and the stress of dealing with the infestation. Promptly addressing bedbug infestations is crucial to mitigate these health risks. If you suspect the presence of bedbugs in your rental space, it is important to take action and assert your rights as a tenant.
As a renter, you are entitled to certain rights. As outlined in California Civil Code §1941.1, you have the right to rent a space that is clean, devoid of rubbish, filth, garbage, and vermin. Additionally, you have the right to be free from retaliation for seeking a clean and vermin-free rental environment. According to California Civil Code §1942.5, your landlord cannot retaliate against you for actions such as contacting a governmental agency for inspection, organizing with other tenants, or requesting necessary repairs. If you believe that your rights as a tenant have been violated by your landlord, schedule a consultation.
Under California Civil Code, your landlord has certain obligations towards you as a renter. These include providing a rental space free of bed bug infestation, communicating about any infestation, collaborating with an exterminator to address vermin issues, covering all extermination costs without passing them onto you, ensuring financial constraints don't hinder bed bug elimination, and providing a 24-hour notice before scheduled extermination. If you believe your landlord has failed to fulfill these obligations, it is important to seek legal advice to protect your tenant rights.
Settlements in bed bug cases can vary greatly depending on the specifics of the case, such as the severity of the health impact, the degree of negligence from the responsible party, and long-term implications of the poisoning. In California, settlements can range from several tens of thousands of dollars for less severe cases to several million dollars in situations with significant long-term health impact. These funds can cover medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and future care needs. However, it's important to remember that each case is unique and these figures are not guaranteed. At Tenants Law Firm, we will strive to obtain the maximum compensation available to you based on the unique circumstances of your case.
Tenants Law Firm is a non-profit legal team in Los Angeles that specializes in representing California tenants in these situations. If your landlord has failed to fulfill their obligations or is illegally retaliating against you, Tenants Law Firm can represent you at no cost.